Obedience Programs Packages NSW Trust us & We will get the best Result for you and your pet

Holiday Surcharge 10% is in effect for the holiday period from 12/13/2024 to 01/31/2025.
Obedience Programs Packages Price Book Now
1:- Obedience Basic for dogs that have had some training from SDTC
I have had dog training here before so i am back for more obediance training while my owners are on holidays i love that.

1 week / 7 days / 21 lessons (3 times a day) -Heel, Sit, Drop, Stay, Come,/ on lead dog training only Refresher this refresher is for dog that have been dog trained by us prier

2:- Obedience Advanced Level 1 Two weeks Popular dog training program
dog training i am on stay and i am so well trained by the sydney dog training centre

2 weeks / 14 days / 42 lessons (3 times a day) -A refresher program for dogs that have completed our dog training programs level ll (three week advanced obedience on lead program) and level lll ( four week  advanced obedience on lead programs). A more intense program of the basic obedience on lead one week program.

3:- Obedience Advanced Level II Three Weeks course most Popular
I love coming to dog training at the sydney dog training centre i have built lots off confidence now i am well behaved .

3 weeks / 21 days / 63 lessons ( 3 times a day) on the lead dog training program only witch Comes with Heel, Sit, Drop, Stay ,Come, and No commands most Popular program with a life time Guarantee and life support for you and your pet dog. Also we give you a 1 hour lesson on pick up hand over from pet trainer to pet owner on the day.

4:- Obedience Advanced On Lead Level III Four weeks course
Dog training I am a big dog my owners needed some obedience control so they book me in for a 4 week on the lead program i love it at the sydney dog training centre

Obedience Advanced On Lead Level III Four weeks dog training programs come with Heel ,Sit, Drop, Stay, Come. and word No, on your left on the lead dog training only with a life time Guarantee and life support for you and your pet dog .Also we give you a 1 hour lesson on pick up hand over from pet trainer to pet owner on the day.

5:- Obedience Advanced Level IIII On & off the Lead

This course is a 8 week dog training course on and off lead Obedience training Advanced level 4 dog training subject to your dog doing a 4 week on lead first then a test to see if your pet can advance to the next level on and of lead .Please note it is your responsibility to control your pet off the lead and have full attention on you at all times Sydney dog training Centre will not take any responsibility for any mishaps. Also we give you a 1 hour lesson on pick up hand over from pet trainer to pet owner on the day.

6:- Aggressive Dog Obedience Program
dog training for if your dog is aggressive to other dogs, cats, people and even your self and family

10% holidays surcharge start 13th December – 31st January.

Aggressive Dog Obedience Program is for dogs that need special training  to be able to control your dog that shows aggressive behavior towards  persons or other animals.  5 week on lead program. Some dogs may need longer time. This program allows your dog to be training in live situations like dogs and person scenarios.

  1. The first thing is that we need to do is an assessment on your pet dogs aggression this is for free, this assessment will determent if we would like to train your pet dog or if your dog is trainable with no stress on both the dog and the trainer.  Do not place a deposit until this free assessment is done, So please call us to book in your free assessment appointment on 96062005.
  2. Please note. Any dog that is placed into the Aggressive dog program and the dog shows that its stressed and puts any trainer under stress and We decided to pull the dog out from the program there will be a $660 fee before collecting your pet dog. This is a fee for the effort and attempt to modify and handling the dogs behavior with in the 4 days of dogs entry date to the SDTC.  If we can train your pet in this Aggressive dog program after the 4 days and you decide to pull your dog out of the program the full amount of the remaining cost of the training program will be due on collection so please think clearly when placing your pet in this or any program.
  3. If you choose to book your dog into this program and place a deposit before the you do the free assessment the nonrefundable deposit clause stands.


7:- Crate dog training

10% holidays surcharge start 13th December – 31st January.
Crate training is the process of teaching a pet dog to accept a dog crate or cage as a familiar and safe location to be in and have time out for you and for you pet.

8:- Pet Catching Service

Pet /Dog /Cat/Bird/Cow/Horse.This is a service we provide to pet onwers that their pets dog,cat,bird have ran away and have been located for example stuck up a tree or in a drainage or any hard to reach places. There is a $200 call out fee paid up front then if and when the pet is court the remaining of $350 will be colletted payed by the onwer or whom ever called us out.

9:- Additional Dog Training per day
large dog training at its best all dog are on stay command they all have done additional day training at the sydney dog training centre

Additional Dog Training per calendar day. This is for dogs that are already in a training program here at the centre and their owners need them to stay longer after the date of completing their training program. It is benifical for your dog’s training to continue instedad of just boarding.


    Note: Please call us to confirm your appointment/booking.